Supporting Self Regulated Learning in Practical Lessons
Our Discovery | Our Innovation | Our Impact
How might we help students to develop self-regulation for practical work?

Our Discovery
Students want to conduct practical tasks on their own, but struggle to self-regulate and as a result, continue to be reliant on their teachers for guidance.
Teachers find it difficult to prioritise their attention as students are working individually, progressing at different pace during the lessons.
Our Innovation
Supporting Self-Regulated Learning in Practical Lessons includes a user guide and sample SLS modules for Practical Lessons in the following subjects:

With the use of these resources, we hope to help teachers support students in a practical lesson and preparing students to be self-regulated learners.
Find out more about leveraging SLS features for your practical lessons:

Our Impact
Hear what our teachers and students say..."There is less of ‘how to do’, ‘is it correct’ types of questions. We can divert our time to those who really need help and attention. ”
- Secondary Science teacher
"They can on the spot do some edits to figure out. (The current challenge is that) students forgot about what they have done last week , why their answers do not match the expected observation”
- Secondary Science teacher
“(The feedback) gave me a gauge on whether I did the experiment correctly, so if I did something wrong, I can refer and redo the experiment”
- Secondary Science student
"During the practical lesson, self-assessment skills is something that we want to instil in the students, and also information for us, whether they are comfortable.”
- Secondary Nutrition and Food Science teacher
"“We could cook at our own pace without missing out on instructions ”
- Secondary Nutrition and Food Science student