Toolkit for CAIT
To support development of Critical, Adaptive and Inventive Thinking (CAIT) through learning activities in Secondary Science and Secondary English Language, CotF has worked with AST, CPDD1 and CPDD2 to develop sample SLS lesson flows, in the form of templates, with recommended use of the SLS AI-enabled feature ShortAnsFA for engagement in issues in Science and argumentative writing in English.
These provide a starting point for teachers to incorporate and apply strategies to help students enhance their metacognition, problem-solving skills and critical thinking through developing self-awareness, monitoring and evaluation of their thinking.
Access the user guide to find out more about how to utilise the sample module templates and rubrics template more effectively. |
Want to explore an Issues of Science topic with your students and get them to think deeper about their learning on SLS? Find out more through this template! |
Interested in ways to develop critical thinking using SLS features when it comes to teaching English Argumentative Writing? Find out more through this template! |
Need a repertoire of criteria and band descriptors to start you on your journey in using ShortAnsFA (rubrics)? Look no further and access them here now! |
*Please feel free to customise the templates and the rubrics provided according to your lesson’s outcomes!